Tuesday 13 July 2010

Anita Pallenberg
Eddie Sedgwick
Bridgette Bardot

ahh the 60's =]
I'm gong to start incorporating some of this in to my day to day.


Monday 12 July 2010

I have a new hair crush.

Rene Russo in The Thomas Crown Affair. I think she looks amazing! I've always loved red hair and mine has always been different shades but now I'm thinking of going for more of a ginger shade to my usual deep red.
hmmm choices


I'm really really loving the whole bunny ears thing!
i've just seen this beaded Benoit Missolin head peice its so cute! £230 though slightly out of my price limit, i think i'll have to try to make my own intepretation to cute not to.


i do not own the rights to this picture